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Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

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Forum Group Discussion Penyusunan Roadmap Pengembangan Desa Wisata Destinasi Super Prioritas Borobudur Forum Group Discussion on the Preparation of Roadmap for Tourism Village Development of Borobudur Super Priority Destination organized...
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Rapat Koordinasi Teknis

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Rapat Koordinasi Teknis Technical Coordination Meeting for the Implementation of Deconcentration Programs/Activities in the Tourism and Creative Economy Sector for the 2021 fiscal year organized by the Ministry of Tourism...
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Sosialisasi Redesain

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Sosialisasi Redesain Sistem Perencanaan & Penganggaran Dalam Penyusunan Rencana Kerja Kemenparekraf 2021 Socialization of Planning & Budgeting System Redesign in the Preparation of the 2021 Kemenparekraf Work Plan organized by...
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